Friday, December 10, 2010

Wikileaks Founder: Bigger Bombshells On The Way’s John Young, “the original Wikileaker,” warns that Assange is being set up to be the fall guy for a massive lurch towards Internet censorship.

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, December 10, 2010
One of the original members of Wikileaks warns that a series of bigger bombshell revelations are in the pipeline and that the growing crisis being contrived around the group and its figurehead Julian Assange is greasing the skids for the cybersecurity agenda to regulate and censor the world wide web. founder John Young, who the New York Observer recently characterized as “the original Wikileaker,” told the Alex Jones Show how he volunteered to register in December 2007 under his name for Wikileaks members who wanted to remain anonymous, with the understanding that the site was merely for the public benefit. Young became suspicious when he was subsequently told that the aim was to raise $5 million dollars within the first six months.
“I said wait a minute, that doesn’t sound like public benefit to me, that sounds like a high value funded program,” said Young, likening the scenario to a George Soros-style outfit.
“This was a business operation not a public benefit operation and it’s turned out to be that,” said Young, concurring with the fact that Wikileaks was introduced into the public arena by Cass Sunstein in a Washington Post editorial. This is important because in a 2008 white paper, Sunstein, who is now Obama’s White House information czar, argued that government entities should pose as “conspiracy theorists” as part of a clandestine plot to discredit independent media voices and ultimately demolish free speech on the Internet.
Young said that Wikileaks provided the perfect pretext for government to raise funds for a cybersecurity infrastructure that would eventually be used to silence free speech and regulate the Internet.
“Some of the enthusiasts for Wikileaks seem to be operating in concert with some of its opponents, it looks like they’re in lock step to me,” said Young, noting that the whole fiasco was a display of theatre designed to test whether the cybersecurity agenda is ready to get traction. Given the fact that establishment Republicans are already introducing legislation aimed at criminalizing Wikileaks, circumstances clearly indicate that the crisis is being exploited to push Internet censorship.
Although George Soros’ Open Society Institute denies having any connection to Wikileaks,Young personally had conversations with Wikileaks founders who told him of their efforts to secure funding from the organization, at which point Young resigned from Wikileaks. Young said that Wikileaks were all but bankrupt when they were operating on their own but have now “raised millions by being on the inside.”
As to who is actually behind Wikileaks aside from Assange himself, Young pointed to a Wikipedia list of “Cypherpunks,” Internet gurus, some of whom now hold prominent positions in major technology companies, who were responsible for a mailing list that started in 1992 for people interested in privacy and cryptography.
Young said that Wikileaks was not an independent organization nor one controlled by government, but instead a “concept, an aspiration, a goal….not anything you’re going to be able to take down by the usual means,” which is why Young predicts Wikileaks will not be taken down. However, he cautioned that Wikileaks now redacting documents was a sign that they have been co-opted to a large extent.
“If you were offered a million dollar bribe and you were 39-years-old and had no other income, think about it, it’s called a government contract,” said Young, alleging that Assange has been bought off.
“I expect there will be a continuing crisis raised by the Wikileaks model,” said Young, adding that increasingly damaging documents will continue to be released and that this will enable both dissidents like Assange as well as governments to accrue both power and increased funding.
“It’ll be kept going for quite a while, money’s pouring in from all sides,” said Young, adding that the situation was being escalated into a “war-like crisis” so the US government could milk cyber-threats to beef their own authority.
“Right now they’re just testing the public’s reaction with this low-level secrecy revelation, but the other stuff will come,” said Young, pointing out that just because the cables released thus far were classified as secret didn’t mean they were true. Indeed, many of the cables bolster discredited rhetoric about the war on terror and do little to harm US imperial objectives because they mainly consist of material that arises out of the echo chamber of geopolitical propaganda.
Young predicts that a “series of bombshells” will continue to emerge both from Wikileaks and about its founder Julian Assange, specifically in relation to the bogus rape charges against him, and that we’re only being “teased” at the moment and much more interesting material is in the pipeline, which Young went on to list;
- Information about the internal affairs of Bank of America
- Files on weapons of mass destruction
- War plans of all nations, for and against one another
- Reports and training literature on black site prisons and torture chambers
- Files about clandestine spy agencies and their operatives
- Files on human rights abuses
- Files about billionaire political meddlers
- Files about global tax collection agencies
- Files about the Vatican’s meddling in global political affairs
- Information about the Clinton Foundation, although this was the only one on which Young wasn’t certain.
Watch the full interview with John Young below.