Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Video Game (designed by CIA) Depicts Takeover of United States : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

New Video Game (designed by CIA) Depicts Takeover of United States : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

New Video Game Depicts Takeover of United States (Video)

Homefront Wikipedia Page

Jon Lockton | January 27, 2011 |
Homefront Video Game foreign invasion
In recently released footage of the game “Homefront,” Kaos Studios depicts the United States of America under foreign occupation after the economic collapse of the U.S dollar. The game, which is rated mature, comes out March 3rd and will surely spark controversy.
Homefront was written with the help of CIA consultants who focus on homeland security. Tae Kim, a former CIA field agent stated, “we went through a very rigorous, academic research process to make sure to not only look at North Korea’s current state, but to look at historical examples of how things could parallel and turn events.”
The game is set in America in the year 2027 when a now-nuclear armed Korean People’s Army invades the United States. The game focuses on the collapse of the U.S. and the subsequent occupation thereafter. The player is invited to join a group called the American resistance, a group which deploys “guerrilla tactics and drone weapons” to fight the Asian occupation.
According to Kaos Studios, the main storyline of the game is built around not only the growth of the North Korean forces over the years leading to the invasion, but also the economic downfall of the United States and the unrest that grips the nation before the invasion.


  • 2011: “North Korea’s weapons program intensifies. Some countries want the UN to put severe sanctions on North Korea.
  • 2012:“Kim Jong-il’s dies and North Korea greets their new leader, Kim Jong-il’s son Kim Jong-un”
  • 2013:“Kim Jong-un unites North and South Korea” The Greater Korean Republic is formed.”
  • 2015: “Costs at the pump break the $20 mark,” this forces America to become destabilized.”
  • 2017: “Civil unrest intensifies with the demise of the U.S. dollar.” Several riots break out in America and the military starts to pull troops out of Asia.
  • 2018: Riots continue from 2018-2022.
  • 2022: “The President orders a freeze on bank withdrawals.” The U.S. economy has completely failed.
  • 2024: “North Korean annexation continues to spread” North Korea takes over Asia.
  • 2025: “The Greater Korean Republic launches its latest communication satellite claiming it will bring a message of peace” but the satellite is really an EMP weapon that knocks out all electronics in North America. The Greater Korean Republic begins the invasion.
  • 2026: “The U.S. military is scattered” due to communications issues and the surprise attack.

In Homefront, the main character is a pilot named Robert Jacobs, and during the opening moments of the game soldiers knock on Jacobs’ door and throw him onto a bus. When the bus leaves the town of Montrose Colorado, Jacob sees a brutal public execution take place outside. Two parents are taken from their child, pushed against a wall and shot in front of the young boy. Their brains spatter all over the bus window, which continues to drive away. Later, Jacobs witnesses groups of people being herded off to labor camps as he glances out of the bus window. Eventually, the player escapes from the bus when it is ambushed by American resistance fighters. This is just the beginning of level one, as the game continues combat breaks out in a Home Depot parking lot and you use guerrilla warfare tactics in a suburban Colorado neighborhood. America is also plagued by a flu epidemic in the game.
Several games have sparked controversy in the past for their shocking economic and political views, but Homefront may just become one of the most controversial games of all time. Did I mention you can play as a Korean soldier and kill U.S. citizens? Yes, you can play as a Korean Soldier and kill U.S. citizens. Does this seem a bit strange to anyone?
David Votypka, the design direct of Homefront stated in an interview on G4TV that “one of the most important facts concerning the surroundings in the game is that they are built in a way to build a connection with the user by using real life companies and brands.” Information concerning the companies featured in the game are yet to be disclosed, although images of Home Depot have been confirmed.
In conclusion, video games establish compelling learning environments that help facilitate how young gamers develop their knowledge of and familiarity with popular views of race, urban culture, and in some cases politics, violence, sex, drugs and more. This is why political, racial, economic and social views should not be marketed to young children. Remember, this game was developed with the help of a CIA consultant.