Monday, August 2, 2010

70-Year-Old MMA Fighter John Williams Got in the Cage to Feel Alive Again

John Williams- "The point of life is living it. And I tell you, I got in that cage and I felt alive. I felt human again. You get that thing over your head, people think you're 70 and you don't know [expletive]. They don't bother to get to know you. I like Eminem. I like rap music. ...Mentally, I feel the same as I did when I was 30. I like the same kind of cars and the same kinds of women. Nothing's changed for me, but there's this stereotype. You don't change, but they try and make you fit a mold and be something you don't want to be, which is an old person. Not me. I've been a fighter all my life."

"A lot of people just give up and don't do anything," he said. "You only live one time and then you're gone forever. If you're remembered by people for something, then it's like you're immortal. It's like you never really cease to exist. If people don't remember you, then you're just a little checkmark in a cemetery somewhere. This is kind of my shot at immortality, I guess. They'll always talk about the 70-year-old who got in there and fought."