Saturday, June 26, 2010

Michael Yon Says - "Eject the Clowns"

Michael Yon Eject the Clowns
If we are going to turn this war around, we must Eject the Clowns who have been deceiving the public.
One of those clowns was McChrystal spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Tadd Sholtis, who personally participated in the blog posse against me. (Sholtis was clever enough to participate in writing, which I got hold of.) That Sholtis so terribly lost that battle is evidence of his own military incompetence. That his boss is gone from Afghanistan and I'm going back is final proof.
In his blog, Sholtis pretends these opinions are his own. (While he runs public affairs ops for General McChrystal and uses inside knowledge/access.) That's like a commando saying he does private missions on the side using U.S. intelligence -- with full knowledge of the U.S. military -- but those don't reflect on the U.S. military. 
From his Quatto Zone website:
"An Air Force public affairs officer, but the views expressed here are my own and (sometimes sadly, sometimes mercifully) not those of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Air Force or anybody else who works for those organizations, period."
Sholtis, everything on your "private" website is coming from a U.S. official who spoke/speaks for General Stanley McChrystal.
This is not a "private battle." Sholtis and others came on my radar after the issues with Menard and McChrystal surfaced. I then realized that Sholtis and others were part of the problem. They continue to deceive the public at a time when we need truth more than ever.

Note: As I write this the Quatto Zone is down. The entire blog appears to have been pulled from Google.

Not Found - The requested URL /2010/06/only-thing-ill-write-about-this.html was not found on this server.

UPDATE- Here's a link to a copy of the article from Google Cache: The Quatto Zone - The Only Thing I'll Write About This