Saturday, June 26, 2010


All they need is to distribute random bits of malware. Bloggers need a defense against this or it's back to the Guetenberg.

Here is what happened this morning, I opened up my blog in Google Chrome and was welcomed by this-

You see, it's not our fault - and Google is only doing their best to keep us safe (for now). But Gatewaypundit appears to host malware. Gatewaypundit is a great site that has been hacked.

This malware (these hackers) have successfully sent their message - "Gatewaypundit is dangerous. You shouldn't visit Gatewaypundit. Gatewaypundit will turn your computer into a smoldering hulk." And because of this association, my site is also viewed as "dangerous". The hacker message continues - "Everyone should go and read MSNBC's home page instead. Stay away from those dangerous malware blogs. You were a fool to go there in the first place."

If you have braved the malware and are still interested, here are the rest of the details.

In order to "safely" open up my site, I had to go into my Google account and remove Gatewaypundit's RSS link from my blog. This fixed the problem on my site. The hackers won the battle, but the war continues.

Is Gatewaypundit dangerous? I don't know. Is malware installed on Gatewaypundit's site? I don't know. But now what can I do? Should I risk damage to my computer to go to Gatewaypundit and warn them about the reported infection? All the while, Gatewaypundit's traffic drops, Kish Collections traffic drops, Kish Collections no longer links to Gatewaypundit and few are the wiser.

This is how they kill free speech on the internet. One day it's Gatewaypundit, the next day it's Kish Collections, and the day after that it's the Drudge Report, American Thinker and the Michael Savage Home Page. But here's the silver lining- with the recent crash of the newspaper market, you can pick up a used printing press really cheap on ebay.

Update - below is a screenshot from Gateway Pundit's Twitter Page
You can also follow Gateway Pundit on Facebook HERE. Jim- Please please send an email to jnkish [at] hotmail [dot] com when Gateway Pundit is fixed. I already miss your site, and the Internet is a lesser place without it.